It’s right in front of you.
We are often told that the toughest secrets to uncover are the ones hiding in plain sight. You’d never suspect a thing, and yet it will be right there, staring back at you and just waiting to be found.

Still haven’t seen it? Let’s give you a clue. Two of the ladies are “seated” with their legs crossed.
We all need a good puzzle now and then. Aside from exercising the brain and sharpening our visual reflexes, you get to have a lot of fun — albeit with a bit of frustration. Also, we can learn wonderful life lessons just by deciphering a few pictures regularly. This might sound like a bit of a stretch, but picture puzzles truly help with logical thinking.
For instance, the problem with the photo above is right there in front of you and should be the first thing you’ll see, but the human mind is wired to start the search from a critical perspective rather than a simple one. Instead of staring at the photo with an open mind, most people would likely limit their mental resources to hidden corners and secret elements.
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