I couldn’t shake the knot that started twisting in my stomach. His eyes were wide, almost glassy, like he was on the edge of tears but trying to hold it together. I knew that look. Hell, I’d worn that look enough times as a kid.I stood before I even realized what I was doing. Some instinct kicked in, I guess. I wasn’t the ‘good Samaritan’ type, but I couldn’t just sit there while this kid wandered around scared out of his mind. “Hey, buddy,” I said, keeping my voice low and non-threatening. God knows the last thing he needed was some random guy freaking him out. “You alright?” The kid stopped, his tiny body stiffening. For a second I thought I’d blown it and he’d run away or scream or something.But he just stood there, clutching the straps of his backpack like it was the only thing keeping him tethered to reality.
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