The pregnant sow went into labor, had a high fever, and they believed she would die.

When Emma the pig arrived at Apricot Lane Farm, she was in critical condition—sick, weak, and heavily pregnant. Veterinarians doubted she’d survive, predicting she’d give birth to no more than six piglets. But Emma surprised everyone, delivering 17 piglets, with 13 surviving.

Exhausted and feverish, Emma struggled to care for her litter. Farm owner Chester had to remove the piglets, fearing for her life. Yet, without her babies, Emma’s health deteriorated further. Desperate, Chester returned the piglets, and a miracle unfolded: reunited with her young, Emma’s condition improved. Slowly, she gained strength, got up, and ate.

Chester reflected, “She was saved by her calling—to be a mother. Sometimes, what threatens us most holds the power to heal.”

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