Unearthing the Secrets of Ancient Jerusalem

Discovering Jerusalem’s Rich History

A groundbreaking archaeological study conducted in ancient Jerusalem has unearthed new evidence that aligns with the Biblical narrative. This exciting discovery challenges previous beliefs and showcases the importance of combining scientific investigation with historical and     biblical accounts.


By doing so, it strengthens the view that Jerusalem was more extensive and developed during the reigns of David and Solomon than previously assumed.


Gaining a Fresh Perspective

The focal point of this study is a wall located in the City of David, considered the original heart of Jerusalem as depicted in the Bible. Historically, experts attributed the construction of this wall to Hezekiah, King of Judah, who reigned in the 7th and 8th centuries BC. The prevalent belief was that Hezekiah built the fortification to withstand the Assyrian Empire’s threat following the fall of the northern Kingdom of Israel.

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